Tag Archives: website design

Blogging. Do you have what it takes?

Blogging. Do you have what it takes? The concept of captivating the reader right off the bat is one that applies to all types of writing. Of course, the first thing that must grab the reader is your headline. After the reader has decided to continue reading, your opening (or teaser) paragraph must not disappoint […]

DIY? Building a Website is No Easy Task

Website Design Practices Whether you should design that website yourself or hire a professional web designer depends on several very important factors. One of the most important things to consider is the level of expertise that you or your employees have in the necessary web technology needed to create an attractive, professional looking website that […]

Boost Your Social Media – 10 Tips

10 Ways to Boost Your Social Media These 10 social media tips and tricks will help you build a stronger network and take your online presence to the next level. All are designed to make you think strategically and take advantage of time saving tools to boost your effectiveness. Here are 10 ways to boost […]

The Keys to a Successful Website Design

What are the secrets behind the most successful websites on the net? Why do some websites succeed while most fail? Today, many internet based business owners are asking themselves these questions. The answers are often more obvious than one might think. Here are 10 tips used by most successful websites: Build a fast website! People […]