Creating a Trustworthy Website? Top 5 reasons visitors don't trust you

Of course having a quality custom website design shows visitors of your website that you are up to date, legit, and that you take care of the “behind the scenes” things. But, your beautifully designed website isn’t everything. Your potential customers surfing the web are always very weary about who they choose to purchase products or services from. If you haven’t yet read our article on how to create trustworthy content and articles for search engines, check it out now!

The top 5 reasons why your viewers don’t trust you:

1. Your website is out of date
This is the most important one in my opinion. Your visitors want to see fresh content and can easily be put off if your website isn’t updated on a regular basis. Consider the following silly mistakes that can lead to visitors leaving your website.

  • You have broken links within your site
  • Your Event Calendar is outdated
  • The copyright year at the bottom of your site is old
  • Your latest blog post was a year ago
  • You have an offer on your website that’s expired

2. You have no “About Us” page
The most visited page of your website is the homepage. The second most visited page is the “About Us” page. Visitors want to find out who you are before moving forward. If your website doesn’t have an “About Us” or “History” page, visitors will be very skeptical about your business.

3. There are no photos of you
Your potential customers want to see who they will be dealing with. Everyone wants to put a face to the name. So, include a photo of you in your About Us and Contact Us pages. Also, think about adding your name and contact information next to your photo.

4. You have no testimonials
The testimonials on your website can work just as good, if not better, than standard referrals. Testimonials add credibility and give your visitors an idea of what others think of your business, products, and services. So gather us some testimonials and add them to your site today. Make sure you don’t use very long testimonials when you can. Short, sweet and to-the-point is key.

5. Your contact page is empty
I see this mistake over and over again. Websites that have no information on the contact page. Just an email form and submit button. Your visitors are different than your “live”customers. They don’t know you and want to research more. Your “Contact Us” page needs to be filled with information such as Phone, Email, Address, and of course Social Media Links. (read our article “Social Media Campaigns” to learn more about why you should be marketing to the masses.)

In conclusion, your potential customers have many other choices on the internet. So, having a quality website that is updated regularly is very important to building online relationships and gain new customers.

Stay tuned for many more tips on on website design and internet marketing over the coming months. Subscribe to our articles using the Widget at the top right of the page. Did you read our article on Google’s Panda? “Essential Tips” for optimizing your site with Google Panda

For more information about website design or internet marketing, contact Switch It Up Designs today!